Memorial Day Premonition

Posted: 30 May 2021 by Robbie

On Memorial Day 2020, we had saw the death of George Floyd. It later sparked riots all over the country. But just before the incident, I had something going on with my mind that day. A premonition… We suspend our disbelief, and we are not alone. Rush / Mystic Rhythms (1985) As most would know, […]

Q2 Investing / Finance Talk

Posted: 16 May 2021 by Robbie

Note: I’ve changed this to Investing/Finance, there will be some future posts about financial talk on this blog. Enjoy! Also, I don’t consider myself a financial expert. Don’t take my words as the final word. Credit Card Virgin Yes, at the age of 39, I finally got my first credit card. It is secured and […]

1st and 2nd of May

Posted: 9 May 2021 by Robbie

Bruce Mansion Had a weekend off last week (and one this coming up week). Got terribly bored of watching baseball and did some driving in the Northern part of my home county: Macomb. For the first time, I saw Blake’s Orchard. Blake’s makes there own hard cider and it is sold in some of the […]