EWU Bodycam: Cop Ends Her Career With One Horrifing Mistake

Posted: 13 December 2024 by Robbie

Source: EWU Media

EWU Bodycam is perhaps one of my favorite YouTube channels. There is some gruesome but interesting stuff on this channel. Also, it featured a video of someone I was in high school with who killed and dismembered a woman. You can find the video with this link. When EWU released it, I considered commenting on it with a blog post, but my second thoughts overruled it.

Sadly, I cannot embed the video I wish to discuss, so here’s the link. Why can’t I embed it?


So, if you haven’t watched the video, this is what happens: a woman is arrested for a road rage incident. The arriving male cop parks his car on the train tracks, a second cop, a female, shows up, and they can arrest the woman. They cuffed her, and the female officer put her in the back of his cop car, notably still on the train tracks. They investigated while the cop car was still on the tracks and a train was coming down the tracks. The cops there note that a train is nearby but don’t act until it’s too late. Needless to say, the train crashes into the cop car and drags it over someway with the female suspect inside.

The suspect does live through the situation but is seriously injured. When additional cops and EMS arrive, another cop approaches the female cop in question and gives her all the sympathy in the world. Of course, that cop giving out the sympathy might not have got the full account of all the details and ramifications of what happened, still, that bothered the hell out of me.

I have made big mistakes and bad judgment calls and have been wrong many times. But nothing like this. I’ve made small mistakes, and people blow a fucking fuse over it. There are so many times I could fill up on this blog of small mistakes that lead people to act like the earth will end. From taking friends out to a Tigers game, I park a little crooked in the parking lot, and one guy freaks out about the parking job, although I was in between the lines. I have made small mistakes at my job, handling the most difficult task on the assembly line, such as forgetting to put labels on the rack. However, the line boss and a lazy fat cunt Hilo driver are both screaming at me as if I had singlehandedly started World War III.

I’ve had distant family members, cousins, and friends who have flipped out and got angry because I didn’t remember their names, or they want a hug, and I say, “I hardly know you.” I do recall a time in 2004 when I was 22, a cousin approached me saying we met each other when I was 5, but I didn’t remember her or even her name. She ran to a couple of close family members and bitched about that, later being approached by those family members getting mad at me. Also, this woman wanted a hug, so I said no, and I got a lot of flack for that.

That family reunion was notable for having a family pile and the misfit pile, and I hung out with the misfits that day for the most part. I was later bitched at for spending more time with the misfits, with one asking, “So, you like hanging out with the scumbags?” Why not? None of them acted like the fucking world was going to end because I wouldn’t give them a hug or remember their fucking names. I love my family to death, I really do. But some of these distant cousins and even friends of the family who want something from my wealthy family members, I just don’t want to see these people ever.

But that part of the video drove me fucking crazy! It has bothered me for the last few days. These officers done fucked up big time, and one of the officers gets all the goddamn sympathy in the world. While I’m the biggest piece of human shit because, in 2022, I didn’t want to put a down payment on a house with the mortgage rates going up. Or I’m threatened with a smack when I see a Life Alert box, and I remark, “Life Alert, they had an interesting commercial back in the day.” Followed by a cousin saying, “How about I fucking smack you?”

I could go on and on and on about how my small mistakes have caused people to go bat shit insane. Imagine if I did what those fucking cops did? I think that cousin who threatened to smack me would do some Saw-style shit. Hell, I can just see her building the rack trap on Saw III and strapping me to that motherfucker. Perhaps she can bring a few people from my job, and they watch me getting my arms twisted the other way while one of them screams, “One time you scanned six parts instead of nine and threw the bag on top of the rack. You were supposed to scan all nine, you fucking asshole!!”

The following day, one of the officers later went to the hospital to try to apologize to the woman. But the woman told the nurse she didn’t want to talk to the officer. I wouldn’t blame her for that, but a lawyer must’ve got to her first and told her not to talk to the cops before she showed up.

I understand that some people reading this blog post would disagree with me. Perhaps this blog post makes me appear as a bitter asshole. And if it does, then so be it, I’m a bitter asshole. But I’ve made the smallest mistakes in the world and had people scream bloody murder. Have I had the worst of the worst? I like to think not. Shit, I just saw a video about that prison in Syria after the Assad regime collapsed:

I guess EWU won’t allow embedded videos, bummer.

It would be nice for me to have sympathy after a small or large mistake and have Mary McDonnell as Sharon Raydor opening her arms to me and holding me and telling me it will be okay. Especially with her wearing the outfit below, I love a well-dressed milf.

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