This will be a few paragraphs long. I’m not doing anything special or noteworthy in recent times. Minus my stomach cramps two weeks ago, I have been doing things not worth mentioning on this blog, just private events and playing video games. I don’t think people want to hear or read about my video game experiences. Yes, I have events coming up soon in the spring and summer months. Stay tuned for that.
If anything you will see in this blog until I start heading to concerts, baseball games, and such, are some Memory Lane posts. Perhaps I’ll tell you folks a story or two about me being stupid as a teenager or as an adult. I have made many mistakes in my life. And I do want to say that, yes, there are a lot of strange, strange, strange things going on in the USA and all over the world. Two things to bring up and this is a Libertarian talking here, the Republican rebuttal of the SOTU address was more strange and scary than some horror movies I’ve seen. I want to add that I’m not a fan of the Trump/Biden rematch.
Also, Haiti has been overran by escaped gang members. The PBS Newshour did a segment on that and holy fuckaroni, that is terrible. It reminded me of the late Geroge Carlin talking about the American Federation of Sociopaths he referred to in his 2005 HBO special Life Is Worth Losing. Take a look for yourself: