Not So Easy Peasy…

Posted: 4 October 2020 by Robbie

This week in America, (28 Sep – 3 Oct 2020) has been quite interesting. We had a silly debate, the president and quite a few of his staffers got the Covid-19 and also I see that I’ve paid more taxes than him in 2016 and 2017 according to a report from the New York Times.

The debate and how seriously troubling it went wasn’t so surprising to me. I knew Trump would fly off the rails and Biden would also counter with some insults himself. I do have some respect for Biden now, he didn’t stutter much and he seemed quite sane for some of that debate. Telling Trump to shut up wasn’t surprising to me. Then on Friday morning, Trump gets Covid-19, then it follows with his wife and quite a few people getting the virus as well, including my personal favorite (heh-heh) Kellyanne Conway. Also, Chris Christie tested positive. I have a bad feeling about that one.

I guess we will see what happens soon.

Besides that, nothing that special has been going on with my little life. I do have work and not doing much on the creative side. We ae dealing with some troubling times and I’m focusing on other things. Apologies for folks interested in a new WishesNetwork video. I’m exhausted…

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