As Yet Untitled

Posted: 28 October 2020 by Robbie

My previous post, it was quite obvious that I was very angry. I suppose I run into moments where I just want to get on through with it without any troubles but while I deal with the wait, I anticipate that the problems will be worse when it’s all said and done. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t. At this current time in my life, I work 12-hour days M-Thurs and a 12-hour day could come on a Friday. The 12-hour days are really a choice for the most part. I have no serious issues with 12-hour days if provided no bullshit is going on with my sick little life and If I can get 6 hours of sleep (or more) each weekday. I also anticipate me seeing more twelves due to the Covid-19 crisis that we are dealing with. This winter is going to be a bitch to deal with, I’m also suspecting that I will get Covid-19 down the road. I do know two people who have Covid-19 now. Yikes!

Yesterday, I was listening to a podcast called I Have ADHD. It’s done by a Kristen Carder. I listened to the latest episode called Bad Days and it reflects somewhat on the previous post. Her bad day was due to promising herself that she’ll be motivated the next day. Sadly, the next day, it didn’t work out so well. Been there myself, I sit on the couch wanting the motivation but it doesn’t work. I want to be creative but it doesn’t work. And I get angry at myself for not having that motivation.

With the 12-hour days at work, I try to dedicate 20-30 minutes of Web Development and Data Analytics a day. I’m currently working on a new WordPress Theme and I also anticipate some troubles with that theme along the way. With Data Analytics, I’m working on a large stat SQL file on a fictitious sport, I also expect problems when creating that SQL file when the time comes. And there is also the weekends where I have more time. I want to try a one-hour dedication to either of those projects. One hour in one day, I do want a Sunday where I don’t do jack shit, unless the motivation comes.

Moving on to another subject, the Covid-19 cases are jumping up big time, especially here in Michigan. Yesterday (27 Oct 2020), we had 2300+ cases reported in Michigan. I know two people dealing with the Covid-19 right now. Despite all this, I find myself thinking about my portfolio in the stock market and when I should make some buys. That’s awfully sad about myself, I know two people with Covid-19 and I’m thinking more about cash money. I’m an selfish bastard…

And with this election, my best guess is Biden will be the winner. I’m rooting for Dr. Jo Jorgensen, but she sadly doesn’t have a chance in hell. I don’t like how Trump tweeted recently that Covid is a hoax. I was listening to Howard Stern on the way home this morning at 2a and they were playing Trump Impersonators. With the likelihood of Trump leaving the White House, those Trump Impersonators are going to be losing their jobs. Ouch…

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