
1 Jul 20

Coming On Back…

The WordPress Development Bug bit me and I decided to bring back the WishesNetwork Website! Plus, some feedback (not the site really) came from a few e-mails I got and also a few mentions on Twitter. Funny thing was, I spent about two days searching through both of my computers looking for this theme, and later thought to myself, this theme might be on my GitHub. Turns out it was! What a waste of time.

Sadly, all that I made through the previous site is lost, so I need to rebuild some of the info. Basically, WishesNetwork.com is going to be a Wikipedia for the series. Will have pages for all the characters, or most!

Yes, in late 2019, I said that Supernatural Threat II was likely going to be my last. However, Covid-19 showed up and it’s going to be here to stay. I got laid-off (and sadly demoted) from my primary job in March, so I was able to squeeze Superstorm Robbie out in late April. I was working on the storyline to my next one but to my surprise, when I came back to my primary job in May, I went back to working 65+ hours a week, which is where I’m at now. With that being said, making 45+ minute EAS scenarios have taken a back seat.

This site needs a few fixings, like that menu down below. I need to remove that off of there. I have been away from any kind of programming for over a year, and this stuff is beginning to click as I continue to get things done with it.

Peace, Love and Fractions,