This will be a quickie.
This posting is on 15 May 2022. The day prior, 14 May 2022, I went to a concert at the Token Lounge. I took some photos and had intended to start the blog post about that concert when I got home. First, I went to Facebook (I don’t have FB on my phone, prefer it that way) to post a few photos and say I was at the Token Lounge. Sadly, I saw an obituary of a family member who passed away on Wednesday the 11th. Needless to say, I wasn’t up to talking about the great concert I went to.
I did have a few family members message me on Facebook about his passing, but it didn’t pop up on my phone. The message icon did not display either. Also, the last time I was on Facebook was Monday the 9th. I’m not on Facebook every day and some time ago, I was logged off of Facebook on my phone and I never bothered to log back in via my phone. Besides this time, I prefer not to see what’s going on in the Facebook world on a daily basis. Need to do the same thing with Twitter.
I went to the funeral today, it was peaceful and the family member who passed had made it clear to others that he wanted everyone to move along. I do have a couple of family members on vacation right now. One in Fiji and the other in Italy.
RIP Sam Marino 15 Feb 1927 – 11 May 2022