At the end of 2020, I was guessing that I will not be eligible for a vaccine until August. Then on February, I did say I probably won’t get a vaccine until Late Spring (Mid-May at the latest). Then went back on the August guess in March. I got my Mordena shot on Saturday 24 Apr 2021 at a Rite-Aid. I tried to get the vaccine via the local government. They have a vaccine center at Lakeside Mall, but I had trouble getting a day that was convenient for myself due to my current busy work schedule.
Also, I was interested in getting it on a weekend so if the side effects screw me up backwards, it’ll be easier on a weekend. On Saturday (at this time), I work 8 hours topps, so if I get a bad reaction, it would be so bad. So I decided to choose Corporate America opposed to local gov’t for help.
It’s Sunday evening as I write this and I had a sore arm from Sat afternoon to this morning. I’m getting headaches that are not as strong as my winter migraines. The Advil is helping with it somewhat. And yes, it says in the paperwork that I can take Advil. I haven’t had any skin rash that I noticed, yet. And no itching really.
What confuses me is that from fellow co-workers, friends and family tell me that the shots are three weeks apart. But the doctor who gave the shot said 28 days. She also said they will contact me about the next appointment. Sounds like it’s going to be around Memorial Day, perhaps I should put in a vacation day on the day before the break happens. I’ll have time so if that next vaccine screws me up sideways. (Been told many times it will).
Me getting the vaccine is my choice. I didn’t do so because the Government tells me too. I do like to see some of my little cousins very soon and also some folks I know are willing to go out and about a little more due to the vaccines. Will the vaccines fix everything? Probably/Probably not. But with Israel and their push for vaccines, it seems like things can improve with the vaccines. One of the things I hope America doesn’t do is Vaccine Passports. Please don’t. Yes, getting both vaccines won’t make me invincible, but if it lowers the chances of me getting Covid-19, I’ll take it.
I also said somewhere in this site that I doubted I’ll be seeing a concert in 2021. Well, so far, E’Nuff Znuff and Faster Pussycat will be playing at the Diesel Concert Lounge. So far, it’s still going as of this day and I’m excited about it. I haven’t seen any of these bands and kind of a fan of the two. I do enjoy hair metal even though I was 6 or 7 when it was big. Will see if it happens, I hope it does! One band I would like to see is Vixen, but they are not coming to our state.