I went to both the Cranbrook Science Museum and also the Art Museum. I have been to the Cranbrook Science Museum a little south of 10 times in my life. Cranbrook was a place I would go to on school field trips back when I was a Special-Ed kid to even one time while I was at Hart Middle School back in the 90s. That would be the last time until 2014 and again in early 2016. Since I have some time off of my slave duty in the auto industry. One of the minuses of today’s visit, the Planetarium wasn’t available today. Shit…
They had a special exhibit about the Trilobite Treasures. Trilobites aren’t that interesting to me but for the extra three I spent to take a look at it, they did a good job. I also saw a water exhibit and saw this interesting factoid:
All that water we are wasting to make cars? Wowser!
Next up was the dinosaur exhibit. It really made me think of my 4th grade Special Ed class which Dinosaurs was often a subject in the creative writing portion of class. I do recall our teacher assigned us a storyline where you go to school and you see a Dinosaur sitting on your desk. I recall my story was five sentences long and she had a problem with it. That came with a protest from me saying it’s okay with five sentences but that didn’t work and I just said let it be and I got a D+ for it. Besides the show Dinosaurs that was out in 1991-94 and also a Myles Bennett Dyson prank call, I never had a serious interest in dinosaurs. Take a look at the last moment of the final episode of the first mention, yikes!
If you watched that, it just segways to this photo:
Later, I would go into this dark area which one could see it as a tolerance exhibit. It was the same thing as the time I went there in 2016. I did enjoy the holographical display:
Besides that, the mineral exhibit was interesting and it made me think of Hank Schrader in Breaking Bad. Another thing that interested me was a wall that contained the information about how Cranbrook started and where it’s at on 2016. It appears that one of the founders had the middle name of Scripps. That same family company runs WXYZ Channel 7 here and also Channel 20.
I would later walk to the art museum down the road while the AQI was at a bad number. The art museum didn’t have much that interested me but I was allowed in for free. I then wondered around Cranbrook for about a half hour wearing a non-N95 mask due to the AQI reaching close to 200 and I went to an area that I was once at during a field trip back in 1991. Wow!