AQI Bad in Mich

Posted: 28 June 2023 by Robbie

From Jim Costa.

When New York, Philly and Washington had that horrible air quality problem three weeks of this post, I did say to a few people that we would be seeing more of these situations where perhaps not as bad as that but situations where one would have to make some changes for the day. Yesterday and Today is no exception.

On 27-28 June 2023 (28th the day of this posting), Detroit, Milwaukee and Chicago had bad Air Quality Ratings. For both Chicago and Milwaukee, the bad AQI’s showed up in the lunch hours as Detroit had a AQI of 112 at around 1pm (as I saw it). I thought it would simmer down and decided to leave a window open. By the time 8pm rolled around, I checked the weather and saw that the AQI in Detroit went up to 206. Sadly, I was stuck at work until 11:30pm. I was a bit panicky but also angry at the idea that this was happening. Regardless, I was wrong.

Driving on home, I did see some haze. I came home and closed that window and put on the AC. Good thing I didn’t hear the smoke detector go off. When I woke up at the eight o’clock hour, I saw that the AQI went up to 250. My trip to the gym nearby was scratched and decided on exercising at home. While watching a big fight at a Chuck E. Cheese on YouTube. Heh-heh.

These wildfires in Canada are still going on. I remember telling somebody that Northern Quebec or Nord-du-Québec, has a small population of about 70,000 people. Later to see I was wrong, it’s 45,000 people. With all that forest in that big space with little people around, it’ll take a while to get to those fires. And that is just one of the many big areas in Canada with little people around. To compare, Clinton Township here in Macomb County has a population of just over 100,000. And Clinton Township is a 6×6 mile square with the exception of the small city of Mount Clemens covering the northeast corner of the county.

We have more that twice as much people in that small space than Nord-du-Quebec. These wildfires in Canada causing these AQI problems here and a lot of major cities are going to be around for a while. And my best guess is there’s a lot of space and very few people around to fight the fires. I did see a video that South Africa sent some firefighters over there to help.

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