A Special Ed Tale II: Night of the Prank Calls

Posted: 29 October 2022 by Robbie

In the 90s and thanks largely to The Jerky Boys, my preteen and teenage self would enjoy the pastime of making prank calls. Of course, in the 80s and some of the early 90s, one could make a prank call to most residents and businesses without being detected. However, when *69 showed up, that made […]

I Found Carmen San Diego & Waldo / Sunset Blvd Halloween

Posted: 17 October 2022 by Robbie

I guess this is the 566th time I’ve seen Sunset Blvd. This was a Halloween gig and finding Carmen San Diego was quite an amazing find (after 30 years, played the game first in 1992), heh-heh. Anyways, this will be a short post and I think the 6 or 7 people who often visit this […]

Motor City Rockers First Game!

Posted: 14 October 2022 by Robbie

This game was quite exciting. I think the teams just wanted to smack and beat the shit out of each other much opposed to scoring goals. As said in a previous post, FPHL was supposed to give Detroit a team in the upcoming 2021-22 season but that didn’t happen. And we wait a year and […]

The Doomsday Scenario

Posted: 13 October 2022 by Robbie

This article or blog posting is intended to be silly. Since we have the threat of nukes from Russia to Ukraine, I thought about what I would do if I was at work and the nuke warning came a’buzzing on our phones. Yes, lots and lots of other things have happened since my last post. […]